Per completezza dell'informazione pubblichiamo la versione integrale del post pubblicato su Facebook da Kimberly Latta, ex studentessa che ha accusato Franco Moretti di molestie.
After many years of silence, and with a heavy but angry heart, I sent this email to the appropriate authorities at Stanford University today:
"Subject: Sexual Predator Franco Moretti
Dear Those Who are Concerned about Sexual Abusers at Stanford:
I am writing to report that when I was a graduate student at UC Berkeley in 1984-85, my then-professor Franco Moretti sexually stalked, pressured, and raped me. He specifically said to me, "You Americans girls say no when you mean yes." He raped me in my apartment in Oakland. He also would frequently push me up against the wall in his office, right next to the window that looked out at the library, and push up my shirt and bra and forcibly kiss me, against my will. I reported him to the Title IX officer, who was then Frances Ferguson, Ph.D. She was a friend of his and urged me not to make a report. I insisted, but she persuaded me to leave only his initials in her documents, in case someone else reported that he had abused her. I have no reason to believe that she did not do what she said she would do. I told Franco about my conversation with Ferguson, and he threatened to ruin my career if I pressed charges against him. He said he had powerful friends who were attorneys who would ruin my name. I remained silent for all these years because I was in academia. I have told a number of people about it privately, however. These are upstanding, well-known professors of History and English at other institutions, who would certainly corroborate my story.
I am encouraged to report in the wake of the Weinstein and #metoo movements.
This man has certainly assaulted many other women over the course of his fabulously successful career. It's time that the truth came out about this predator. I will take any lie detector and make any affidavits necessary to assure that he is brought to justice.
Kimberly Latta
Kimberly S Latta, PhD, LSW
Pittsburgh, PA
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